Raptool Designer
This is where apps are made to do what you want. The easy to learn, PC-based designer can save months in development time compared to programming. By clicking on icons you add the functions that make up your mobile application.
No programming skills are required.
When the app works as you want it you save or publish Design-File to your Raptool app-account and load it in the Raptool Client.
Raptool Client
The Raptool Client is available in app-stores or through manual download. You need to install the right Raptool Client for your device. The Raptool Design-file is downloaded from your account and what makes the client do what you want.
Raptool Integration server and Communicator
The Raptool Integration server and Communicator lets you integrate your existing systems to your mobile solution. Integrate live, online or work offline and send data when you have connection. You decide!